Letters to the Editor: May 7, 2022

This Mother’s Day, we might recognize the many mothers who are no longer with us. It ‘s even more appropriate to remember them because we belatedly realize all they have done for us and all the sacrifices they have made.

My mother, who could stretch a pound of “hamburger” or a scrawny chicken to feed my dad, live-in grandmother and all four of us kids, and who seldom even sat down to eat, seeming to relish the leftovers ... claiming her favorite part of the chicken the part “that flew over the fence last.” My mother, who nursed us all through childhood illnesses and accidents, guided us through young-life lessons, who made hundreds of brown bag baloney and PB&J lunches, who got us all spruced up for church. And yes, made wonderful cookies ... and still managed to contribute during WW2 at Bell Aircraft (P-63 Kingcobra) near where we lived.

And who did all this, and much more, cheerfully, as if it were her greatest pleasure. And I don’t even remember thanking her much along the way; like it was her role and expected.

So each Mother’s Day, and of course her birthday, I glance heavenward, remember, smile, and murmur, “Thanks, Ma.”

- David Shumway, West Carrolton

Just one vote. Just one Republican member of the Ohio Redistricting Commission needed to switch his vote on May 5 so that an obviously unconstitutional map for state offices would be rejected. That didn’t happen, and another embarrassing chapter in Ohio’s contemptible redistricting saga was written. One wonders which part of “unconstitutional” these seemingly educated men do not understand.

In a separate action, just two votes from Republican members would have passed a much fairer, constitutional map proposed by the Democrat members.

It is especially heinous that the statewide officeholders on the commission, Governor Mike DeWine, Secretary of State Frank LaRose, and Auditor Keith Faber, voted for their party’s interests above those of the seventy percent of Ohio voters who cast ballots to end gerrymandering.

Happily, these three politicians are all up for re-election this year, and Ohioans can remove them from office, one vote at a time.

- Anne Malone, Oakwood

How does this country go from being a net exporter of natural gas to having to more than double the price in less than two years? Inflation goes up incrementally, interest rates rise quarterly, now gas doubles by June. AES could certainly do a better job of managing its costs and passing them on over a longer period of time. I’ve been disappointed (and confused by) our gas and electric suppliers ever since Ohio created the Consumer Choice Program some years ago. It’s time this state and country wakes up to the needs of its workers and retirees who are already struggling to get by every month. People need to let their representatives know that we’ve had enough.

- Terry Miller, Dayton