Coronavirus prank: Teens wearing hazmats suits spill red liquid on subway

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Two teens said they only wanted to joke about the coronavirus outbreak, but city officials in New York say the prank is no laughing matter.

The teens, only identified by first names David and Morris, walked onto the L train in New York dressed in hazmat suits and carrying a container of red liquid.

The container had warning labels on it, Fox News reported.

They were asked by a rider if it was coronavirus before they spilled the liquid, which was really just Kool-Aid and soap, on the floor.

Some riders ran, thinking the liquid was dangerous, WNBC reported.

Others knew it was all a prank, Fox News reported.

But it wasn't dangerous according to David and Morris, they just wanted "to make light of the situation" and didn't want to get anyone sick or hurt, WNBC reported.

MTA Chairman Pat Foye didn’t agree with the teens.

"Given the environment, dressing in hazmat suits and walking the streets of New York is an irresponsible thing to do. It ain't funny. You shouldn't do it," Foye told WNBC.

Foye has reported the case to both the NYPD and MTA police, WNBC reported.

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