This is causing some concern for people with smaller bladders, because no one wants to miss a minute of the action.
Your best course of action, of course, is to avoid consuming liquids for an hour or two before the movie — and at the theater.
If this isn’t an option for you, several websites have compiled the best times for you to sneak out and run to the bathroom. You’ll want to be as quick as possible, though, because these aren’t long breaks. The movie’s pacing is quite brisk.
Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urologist in New York City and author of "A Seat on the Aisle, Please! The Essential Guide to Urinary Tract Problems in Women," shared her tips for making it through "Endgame" without a bathroom break with MarketWatch.
- Don't eat or drink anything an hour or two before the movie starts.
- Don't overhydrate during the day, period.
- Use the bathroom right before those Marvel opening titles roll.
- Relax — you won't hurt yourself if you hold it.
- Bring a sweater (you tense up when you're cold.)
Just in case none of that works, here are some potential — or, potty, for short — breaks:
First potty break
About 30 minutes in, a San Francisco title card comes on screen. It's the beginning of an Ant-Man segment that is nice but doesn't advance the plot. recommends this break. GameSpot, however, suggests you take a break when the remaining Avengers are at the compound and you hear the phrase "test No. 1." You'll miss some jokes and science stuff, though.
Second potty break
CNET and GameSpot again differ on this one. CNET recommends you go while Hulk is having lunch. The scene is a bit longer than the others and will give you more time. It’s a cute scene, however, so you might want to go with GameSpot’s idea. When Nebula and someone else — no spoilers — reach their “mission” destination, you have a few minutes. There are some funny lines, but you won’t be confused when you get back to your seat.
Last chance
Once the action gets going in the last half of the movie, you really don’t want to miss anything. So, if you absolutely cannot wait any longer, you can take a break when a New Jersey title card comes on the screen. You heartstrings will miss a few tugs, but at least you won’t have an accident in your seat.
If you make it through, remember this is the last Avengers movie so there is no scene after the credits (this is not a spoiler). As those credits start to run, so can you.
Fans — and one of the stars — have opinions about needing a break during the movie.