Kylan Scheele, 18, admitted he posted the ad on Craigslist offering Truman High School in Independence, Missouri, for sale at a bargain price of $12,725, according to the Kansas City Star, but Scheele said it was just a joke.
The school district didn’t see it that way and banned Scheele from participating in the school’s graduation ceremony last weekend.
#BREAKING: @aclu_mo urging @ISDSchools superintendent to let Kylan Scheele, who listed Truman High for sale as a prank, walk in Saturday's graduation, adding that the punishment "violates Scheele's free speech." The follow up report tonight on @fox4kc at 10pm. @ZacOnTV #fox4kc
— FOX 4 News (@fox4kc) May 25, 2018
The ad included a listing of amenities that came with the school, like a new athletic field, plenty of parking and a "bigger than normal dining room," according to WDAF-TV.
But district officials said the problem with the ad was the reason for the sale. Scheele wrote the school was being sold "due to the loss of students coming up," WDAF reported.
“I decided to say the reason we’re selling this is because of 'the loss of students,' because the senior class is graduating,” Scheele said.
The teenager said he apologized for the joke, but school officials weren’t laughing and gave him the harshest penalty possible, suspending him from the school’s graduation ceremony.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri has since filed a lawsuit against the school district, contending the harsh punishment violated Scheele's free-speech rights.
We should encourage students to express their free speech rights. We urge the Independence School District to let Kylan Scheele walk in his graduation ceremony.
— ACLU of Missouri (@aclu_mo) May 25, 2018
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