Super volunteer will work 2019 Super Bowl

Al Marsh. (Photo:

Al Marsh. (Photo:

Ten thousand volunteers will be the collective face of Atlanta for the 2019 Super Bowl in February.

One of those workers may be the most qualified candidate there has ever been.

Al Marsh, of Macon, has collected quite a wardrobe.

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"Well, my wife says I spend too much time and too much money on my hobby,” Marsh said.

Marsh volunteers at the biggest sporting events on the planet. That's how he assembled dozens of polo shirts, while working those events.

"I volunteered in the USA. I volunteered in Canada. I volunteered in London, and in Brazil,” he said.

That’s where he was on the national news while volunteering at the World Cup.

He has also worked 10 Super Bowls. This year, he is one of 10,000 volunteers for the 2019 Super Bowl.

For volunteers such as Marsh, it’s kind of a thing.

"Oh, yeah! Not only is it a thing -- when you start seeing those repeat volunteers, they come with a stacked resume as well. So, once they get the bug, it's hard for them to let go," said Ardelia Austin, the director of volunteer programs.

Training for the thousands who will be working the big game in Atlanta is well underway. 
Marsh said planning has been top-notch. He should know, given the fact that he has volunteered at several hundred sporting events since his first event, which was the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

"Oh, I hope to do this for the rest of my life. I'm 71 years old, and I plan to do this as long as I can,” Marsh said.

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