Luckily, to help you narrow down this search for the best old-school restaurants in Dayton, we include a section in our yearly “Best of Dayton” contest dedicated to this pursuit.
>> How to cast your vote in’s Best of Dayton contest
We asked our readers to nominate their favorite spots. Those that received the most nominations are now up for vote in our Best of Dayton contest. And now, it’s our turn to ask you, Daytonians, to tell us which old-school restaurant is your favorite.
Here are the finalists for best old-school restaurant in Dayton:
🍽Hickory Bar-B-Q
1082 Brown St., Dayton | (937) 228-5252 | Website | Facebook
🍽Jay's Seafood
225 E. Sixth St., Dayton | (937) 222-2892 | Website | Facebook
2350 S. Dayton-Lakeview Rd., New Carlisle | (937) 849-1378 | Website | Facebook
🍽The Florentine
21 W. Market St., Germantown | (937) 855-7759 | Website | Facebook
🍽The Oakwood Club
2414 Far Hills Ave., Dayton | (937) 293-6973 | Website | Facebook
🍽The Pine Club
1926 Brown St., Dayton | (937) 228-7463 | Website | Facebook
>> The Pine Club flexes its muscles against competitors in Best of Dayton 2018
🍽The Root Beer Stande
1727 Woodman Dr., Dayton | (937) 640-1114 | Website | Facebook
🍽The Tavernette
111 W. Main St., Medway | (937) 849-0423 | Website | Facebook
🍽Treasure Island Supper Club
4250 Chief Woods Lane, Moraine | (937) 299-6161 | Website | Facebook
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