DNC Night 3 - Vice President Joe Biden

Vice President Joe Biden reflected on his speech in 2008, when he spoke as the nominee for VP. He was introduced by his son Beau, who was serving in the military at the time. Beau died last year of cancer. "Every parent says this about their son, but you had to know him."

He blasted Donald Trump repeatedly and gave a rousing finish, speaking of Americans and the middle class, and said he sees the country's best years ahead.

Biden talked glowingly of President Barack Obama before pivoting to Hillary Clinton, who he's known for 30 years. He talked about her  public service and compared her to Donald Trump.

"His cynicism is unbounded. He's proud of a phrase me made - 'You're fired.' Think of what you wanted to be as a child, why would you take pleasure in that? He says he cares about the middle class - that's malarkey."

"When the middle class does well, the rich does well. That's what makes America great, and he doesn't have a clue about that."

"Let me say something that has nothing to do with politics. ... Times are too uncertain for Donald Trump. No major nominee has been less prepared to deal with foreign policy. A man who embraces the tactics of our enemies - torture, religious indifference. It's not the American  way and it isn't the Republican way. We can't elect a man who would ignore our allies while embracing Vladimir Putin. We simply can't let that happen as Americans, period."

"This is what I've said to every foreign leader I've ever  met - we have the best fighting force in the war.  We have the  largest economy in the world, and the strongest economy in the world. We have the most productive economy in the world. Given a fair chance, Americans  have never  let their country down."

"Ordinary people like us, do extraordinary things. We've had leaders who tried to get elected through fear ... but we endure, and we always move forward. I can say with absolute conviction - I'm more optimistic today than I was as a 29-year-old kid. The 21st century will be the American century. We are America, second to none, and don't forget it. God bless you all, and may God protect your troops."

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