Night 4 RNC - Reince Priebus, Chairman of Republican National Committee

GOP Chairman Reince Priebus called his party "the party of the open door." He said to some presidents, we are just another country. To Republicans, we are the greatest country on earth.

"We stand for freedom and fairness. It's inspired people the world over. These values spur the fight for equality. It's clear the Republican party is the only party to lead the fight for these values into the 21st century."

He hit Democrats for "running the same old message with the same old candidate." He knocked Dems for using superdelegates to choose their candidate, a direct shot at Hillary Clinton and a tip of the hat to Bernie Sanders voters.

"What separates Republicans from Democrats is 'better,' better schools and better work. And a better chance for the American dream for everyone. That's why we need to stop Hillary Clinton."

He said Clinton would stack the Supreme Court with left-wing justices, said they would rid the country of gun rights, and led the way for the Iran nuclear deal. He said ISIS spread under her watch and blasted her for lack of support of Israel, before getting  to the email scandal and alleging she lied repeatedly.

"She's perfected politics for personal game."

Priebus accused Clinton of taking money from overseas groups and leaders that also funneled money to terrorists.

"Americans have had enough."

Priebus said Donald Trump is the right man to stop Hillary Clinton. He's brought millions of new people to the party will bring millions of jobs back from overseas, a nd will stop illegal immigration. He said working families are the heart of the country, and haven't seen a bigger paycheck in a long time.

"No more negotiating with terrorists. If they want to take us down, we'll take them down."

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