Share your memories of the Stockyards Inn

We reported Sunday that the Stockyards Inn, 1065 Springfield St. in Dayton, had closed permanently after the close of business Saturday, June 29.

Now we’d like to hear from you. Do you have a favorite memory of “The Stockyards?”

I’ll go first.

I had a memorable meal there in the spring of 1986 — my wife and I went to The Stockyards to celebrate after we closed on our house.

Now my recollection is we were both a bit traumatized by the house-closing experience — especially the very large dollar figures on the documents we were signing. But the trauma subsided as we relaxed over a fine meal.

And I can still recall what I ordered off the menu that night. I had the NY strip steak au poivre and a bottle of 1979 Freemark Abbey Bosche Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon. The au poivre sauce was creamy and filled with piquant, just-cracked black peppercorns. The wine had some significance — it was from a Napa Valley winery we had visited as newlyweds three years earlier — and it was delicious.

We walked out of the restaurant with full bellies and in a much better frame of mind than when we walked in. Can’t ask for more than that.

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