Local state Rep. files complaint against out-of-state dark money PAC

Virginia-based Make Liberty Win: “When they start losing, they start squealing.”

A Butler County state representative filed a formal election complaint against an out-of-state dark money group last week for sending out an attack mailer during her reelection campaign that allegedly did not comply with Ohio law.

It is the second filed with the Ohio Elections Commission this election cycle against Make Liberty Win, an out-of-state, dark money political action committee that has ruffled feathers with its aggressive involvement in myriad Republican primary races across the state .

In her complaint to the Ohio Elections Commission last week, state Rep. Sara Carruthers, R-Hamilton, alleged that one of many mailers attacking her did not contain a disclaimer of who, or what, paid for the mailer, as required by Ohio law.

The Ohio Elections Commission said this complaint, along with a similar complaint made against Make Liberty Win by Wayne County GOP Chair Doug Deeken, will be heard on May 16.

“Make Liberty Win is dedicated to fighting the Establishment in both parties. When they start losing, they start squealing,” said the PAC’s Executive Director Barrett Young in an email to this news organization last week. “We look forward to addressing these complaints through the proper channels.”

Make Liberty Win has largely, but not exclusively, attacked Republicans like Carruthers who voted with House Democrats to give Republican House Speaker Jason Stephens, R-Kitts Hill, leadership over the chamber.

The local allegedly improper mailer also garnered attention due to its claim that Carruthers took her twin children from their surrogate mother and reneged on her offer to buy the surrogate a home — two accusations that were never proven true in court.

Diane Mullins, Carruthers’ primary opponent and a pastor in Hamilton, denied any involvement with the mailer.

Follow DDN statehouse reporter Avery Kreemer on X or reach out to him at Avery.Kreemer@coxinc.com or at 614-981-1422.

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