“We heard a big sound, like the roof had fallen in,” Koger said.
A tree had fallen, pulling several wires loose and leaving Koger’s home without power. Koger borrowed a power generator from a friend, but it has not worked consistently.
Koger suffers from multiple medical conditions, including Crohn’s disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Without power she cannot use her breathing tube.
“The hotter it is the worse it gets,” Koger said.
Koger said that a dispute between her landlord and Dayton Power & Light has stopped her from getting her power back.
“It’s like a contest,” Koger said. “Landlord says it’s their problem and DP&L says it’s the landlord’s problem.”
As Koger struggles without power, the Northridge community has continued to support her.
“Northridge has just been wonderful,” she said.
“They keep coming to give me water and food. Everyone has just pulled together.”
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