"Come back and show me the money," Judge Christopher Gee told Phelps in continuing his sentencing until Dec. 17.
During the hearing Tuesday, Phelps told Gee he had been making efforts to pay on support since getting out of jail on the charges in October but had difficulty finding a job beyond helping a renovations company. He said, though, he had numerous job applications submitted to businesses. Since getting out of jail, Phelps had paid $50 and said he planned to pay another $150.
The $109,623 in support and arrears is owed on three cases ranging from $16,426 to $56,300.
Phelps told Gee he was changing his ways, living and working in Myrtle Beach before his arrest on the indictments.
"You didn't develop these significant child support arrearages overnight. While you say you feel bad about that , you haven't done anything to solve it," Gee said. "I just need you to show me you are doing what you say you will ... You have to show me the money."
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