In 2003, Jason Vale, a cancer survivor, was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for the same crime, and Wednesday's arrest marks the second time he has been charged with contempt for violating the earlier ruling, the Post reported. The pair is also charged with introducing items into commerce by making false statements.
According to WABC, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection also found drums of hazardous liquid in the home's garage, but authorities have not yet identified the substance publicly.
Preliminary figures indicate the Vales have made an estimated $850,000 since 2013 selling the apricot seeds and similar products containing amygdalin or laetrile, despite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's contention such sales are illegal, the Post reported.
According to NBC News, the FDA's most recent investigation into the Vales' activities began last year via "undercover purchases" from the "Apricots from God" website.
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