Mother hears donated heart of son beating in chest of little girl

A family in Minnesota made the unselfish decision to allow their son's death to give hope to another family.

Cazmirr "Cash" Landers drowned in a swimming pool last summer. Brooke Eaton had to make the final decisions for her son, one of which was the "Gift of Hope." Cash's heart was given to Lola Bond, a girl who was born with the condition cardiomyopathy, WCCO reported.

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Lola's and Cash's families met recently for the first time since the life-saving transplant facilitated by Eaton's selfless decision.

"As soon as I saw her I fell in love with her. She's just precious and that's also my boy. I heard his heartbeat. That's really beautiful," Eaton told WCCO.

"To have a connection with my baby still, like with me and Lola, we're going to have a connection the rest of our lives," Eaton said.

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Eaton wasn't the only one moved by the reunion of a mother with her son's heart.

"To see a reunion like this today is just amazing. It brings tears to your eyes," Dr. Ashley Loomis told WCCO.

The newly found family is now an extension of the Bond family.

"Knowing that there's a whole other family that loves her as we do is amazing," Margaret Bond Vorel, Lola's grandmother, told WCCO.

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