Letters to the Editor: July 23, 2022

I am concerned that local public schools are adopting a once-a-week Bible study program during the school day for “weekly Bible-based character education class”. The program is offered by LifeWise Academy, part of Stand for Truth, whose mission is to equip believers to “stand for the historic Christian faith.” More than 100 schools will participate this coming year. At Van Wert Elementary, 90% of students participate, while the others remain in the classroom with their teacher.

I appreciate the delineation of funding as outlined in the article, but I think use of school time is not appropriate and could disrupt school-based learning. School personnel are tasked with supporting the education of all students during the entire school day and are responsible for standards of curriculum and behavior. How are the children who participate in Bible study supervised and protected during this offsite program? Children who do not participate may be negatively impacted and labeled, adding to the challenges our schools and students face every day, including bullying and discrimination.

In my opinion, religious teaching does not belong during public school time.

- Laurel Kerr, Washington Twp.

The unruly charges against an Oxford transgender man following the use of the women’s restroom at a Preble County campground which he was instructed to use by management should not obscure the real danger that occurred: He was violently assaulted by three men because of his gender identity. In the current national climate of over 150 anti-transgender pieces of legislation, words of legislators become catalyst to embolden some people to violently act out their personal biases against gender non-conforming individuals. This is assault, pure and simple. More than one in four trans people have been faced with bias-driven assault. Assaulting someone because of their gender identity is as irrational as assaulting someone because they are wearing a red baseball cap. Remaining uneducated about gender identity is a choice.

- Mary Earle, Hamilton