- Riley Tyler, Cincinnati
It’s hard for me to understand why we talk about a $150M Riverfront Project when we have so many other pressing projects to think about. For example, Route 48 is the main street that runs through the center of many of our towns from Union, Englewood, Shiloh, Dayton, Oakwood Kettering, Centerville and Lebanon, to mention a few. It varies from two lanes (mostly no passing) to six lanes. In Union it is four lanes with a center turning lane, well-lit and tree lined, while in Daytonview, the road dangerously varies in width past abandoned or badly maintained buildings. Wouldn’t it be better to buy up and remove those buildings, help re-establish the businesses to newer facilities and rebuild the street? I think it’s past time to form a committee of concerned North Main Street citizens along with the Dayton Planning Commission to come up with a plan to improve the main north entrance to our city. I believe it would attract new businesses and increase our tax base.
- Thomas H. Routsong, Centerville