As Hindus, new immigrants to this country, we have to think of any solution to contribute to the well being of the society both at physical and mental levels. The vast majority of us came from India, and the rest came from different countries. Indian civilization existed for the last 7,000 years or more. Ancient India contributed to the world in so many ways, such as numerals and zero concept. Over the last 2,000 years, we accommodated Jews escaping persecution by Roman empire, and Persians (Iran) from invaders. We have also contributed to this country in so many ways, both materially and spiritually.
More than a hundred years ago, when Swami Vivekananda participated in the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, he introduced the terms “Yoga” and “meditation.” Words such as Yoga, meditation, karma and mantra (Sanskrit) are now commonly used in this country and the world over. Yoga is the name given to process of union with Divine within us. What Yoga studios teach is Hatha Yoga.
Yoga (Hatha Yoga) combined with Pranayama (breathing exercises) contribute to both mental and physical well-being. We all know that mental health is essential for physical health. Anxiety causes hyperventilation and slow breathing will make the mind calm. Meditation helps to discover Divine within. Several thousand years ago, a great Sage called Patanjali suggested certain psychological practices – non-injury, truthfulness, Divine thoughts, non-stealing, non-possessiveness, cleanliness, contentment, disciplined life, study of scriptures and surrender to Divine will. The last step is Samadhi, when Self (Divine) is experienced. It is very important to have these qualities to some degree to be happy. One cannot progress in the path of union with Divine unless these are practiced.
Meditation, in Sanskrit is called Dhyan and when it went to China, it took a local flavor and is called Chen, & Zen in Japan. It is very difficult to define Divine and need to be experienced. However, Sages of India used the term Sat-Chit-Ananda. In English, it can be translated as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. So Divine is Bliss.
One needs to practice all eight limbs of Yoga as per Sage Patanjali. So, by following this path, we know how to live a contented, happy life and contribute to peace and harmony in society. In this way, we as Hindus contribute to the physical and mental health of society we live in. Yoga and meditation are the greatest contributions of modern India. That is why United Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day.
We all know that people who don’t have money cannot donate it. In the same way, we cannot spread peace unless we are peaceful. At the local Hindu temple in Beavercreek, anyone, irrespective of their faith, can take classes in Yoga and Meditation for free. Everyone needs to follow their scriptural instructions and become good citizens contributing positively to the country.
Siva Vemana, MD, is a a student of Hindu philosophy and serves on the Education Committee of HCO Board, HinduTemple Dayton.