VOICES: Resilience is part of the institutional DNA of Wilberforce

Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard is the 22nd President of Wilberforce University. (CONTRIBUTED)

Credit: Bryon Black

Credit: Bryon Black

Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard is the 22nd President of Wilberforce University. (CONTRIBUTED)

The great American intellectual and scholar, WEB DuBois, began his academic career at Wilberforce University in 1894 just as he was completing his doctoral dissertation at Harvard University. He returned to Wilberforce University in 1940 to give the Commencement Address. In it, he described a vision for Wilberforce that compelled him, in 1894, to accept the job. He said, “…From the first, I had for Wilberforce the very highest ideals, I wanted for it nothing cheap, second hand or inferior. I pictured growing up here a great university…in the full sense of those famous institutions of learning for which I have been connected…”

In 2023, DuBois’s vision for Wilberforce University is no less compelling and has been the imperative that has centered my presidency. My retirement as the 22nd President of this incredible institution has occasioned an opportunity for deep introspection and reflection on the work and the legacy. I did not do this work alone and so I must first acknowledge with heartfelt appreciation the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, administrators and most importantly, students, who dearly love Wilberforce. Every day I began in thanksgiving for the honor and privilege of being the president of an institution that has existed in this nation for 167 years. Daily I was reminded of the history of Wilberforce and the legacy of resilience and triumph against formidable challenge. In fact, for the entirety of its history, Wilberforce has been confronted by challenges; the fire of 1865, the Big Split in 1947, leadership transitions, accreditation concerns and yet, Wilberforce University continues to exist and thrive with a tenacity and determination that defies circumstances. It is the power of that resilience and history and the intentionality of crafting a sustainable future that are the contemporary super-powers that give me confidence in an exceedingly hopeful future for Wilberforce University.

While much of my presidential tenure occurred during a period of great turmoil and uncertainty amidst a global pandemic, our institutional commitment to our students never wavered and our students never allowed a pandemic to derail them in the pursuit of their college education. We, like every institution of higher learning, faced the pandemic with creativity and resolve supported by the generosity of federal and philanthropic support. At Wilberforce, we remained focused and intentional in our goal of becoming a high-performing university which occupies a competitive position among our peers while providing a high quality academic and student engagement experience for every student enrolled. We, like our peers, imagine a vital and sustainable future in the 21st century and beyond as an institution unafraid of risk-taking and innovation fully attuned and responsive to the shifting social, cultural and industry demands for an educated workforce.

The departure of one president and the arrival of another is an important moment in the history of any college or university. For Wilberforce, given the most recent history of presidential transition, this is a significant inflection point especially as we communicate to our constituent groups the thoughtfulness and intentionality of this presidential transition. Wilberforce exists at this limen; a threshold of interrogation, strategic thinking, action, and innovation regarding who we are as a 21st century university and what we might be capable of and committed to becoming.

The record of our accomplishments, notably, over 50% reduction in the University’s overall debt, removal from probation by our accrediting body, forgiveness of student debt for the Classes of 2020 and 2021, establishing strategic partnerships with Premier Health, Cincinnati Reds and Ohio State University and re-establishing the University band, chorus, baseball, and golf, form the foundation upon which successive administrations might build a stronger Wilberforce. And the Employee Retention Credit project that began in January 2023 is complete. Thanks to the work done by the Office of Business and Finance and the Office of Administration and Human Resources. The credit calculation for 2021 is $1,888,341 (minus a 12% fee). The calculation for 2020 will be completed by May 23, 2023, and is anticipated to be one-third of 2021.

I am most proud of this solid foundation of progress that I am able to bequeath to my successor. We have worked hard to position Wilberforce University for its next level of ascendency. As I have proudly noted, resilience is part of the institutional DNA of Wilberforce University and we choose to use these historic circumstances as an urgent call to contemporary action to continue our work of institutional renewal and transformation under the leadership of the 23rd President, Dr. Vann Newkirk, Sr.

Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard is the retired 22nd President of Wilberforce University.

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