PODCAST: Traitors from our backyard or would-be patriots? Who are Capitol insurgency suspects Jessica Watkins and Donovan Crowl?

It is only February, but boy has 2021 been a year.

Dayton Daily News crime reporter Parker Perry and investigative reporter Josh Sweigart break down the Miami Valley’s connections to the Capitol invasion with “What Had Happened Was” host Amelia Robinson.

Bar co-owner Jessica Watkins and her friend Donovan Crowl, both Champaign County residents, face federal conspiracy and other charges for allegedly working with an Oath Keepers member and others to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Sweigart and Parker explain what they’ve learned about the pair, their alleged motives, the charges they face and the possible defense strategies.

Were Crowl and Watkins in Washington that day to help as has been claimed?

What may have inspired them?

What do Ohio militia members have to say and why do experts consider them a growing threat in this state and beyond?

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“What Had Happened Was” is a podcast for Dayton, powered by Dayton.com. You won’t believe the stories that come from right here. Host Amelia Robinson shares the best tales from the Gem City, Land of Funk and Birthplace of Aviation: Dayton, Ohio.

This podcast is brought to you by CoxNext


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