Cancer patients receive frequent blood transfusions because of the drastic effects of chemotherapy. Often, chemotherapy destroys healthy cells in addition to cancer cells. It takes a long time for bone marrow to begin making red blood cells again, so red blood infusions and platelet infusions help immune systems recover.
Thomas was diagnosed with a brain tumor in January 2021. He has spent nearly a year fighting back against the cancer, and in September, scans indicated that there are no signs of cancer in Thomas’ system.
“We’re still trying to get back to normal,” said his dad, Fairborn City Engineer Lee Harris. “It’s nice to see him just being a little boy, smiling and laughing.”
Thomas received all the transfusions he needed during his time in the hospital, and though he no longer needs them, hospitals are always in need of blood products for cancer recovery and other lifesaving treatments. Blood drives have been drastically affected by COVID-19, as blood donation centers rely on in-person events and organizations to maintain adequate supply.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS, or visit, Sponsor code: Thomas.
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