Tipp City schools close gym at Broadway after leak, asbestos concern

Broadway Elementary School in Tipp City, August 2023. AIMEE HANCOCK / STAFF

Broadway Elementary School in Tipp City, August 2023. AIMEE HANCOCK / STAFF

The Tipp City schools said a gym at Broadway Elementary School would remain closed to any use “out of an abundance of precaution” until licensed professionals can identify any health and safety concerns from asbestos and recommend a solution.

The gym was closed to any access Wednesday after a roof leak was found during a routine daily maintenance check, Tina Smith, Broadway principal, said in a message to the school’s families. The school houses the district’s second and third graders.

“The district is working with licensed professionals to assess the area, identify in the gym any presence of health and safety concerns and develop a plan for dealing with the situation,” said Kim Hagen, district director of business operations. The roof and ceiling would need to dry before any repairs could be initiated, she said Thursday.

Hagen said the community “is well aware” of the presence of asbestos in the school. “The district has consistently shared this with our stakeholders during a series of community engagements and business tours,” she said.

The district is asking voters in the March 19 election to approve a bond issue to build a prekindergarten through grade eight building. The building would replace the Broadway building, Nevin Coppock Elementary, the middle school and classrooms now at L.T. Ball Intermediate School. L.T. Ball would remain in use, possibly for district offices and other activities. The district also has a high school.

The Broadway school physical education classes have been moved to a multi-purpose room, which Smith said is fully equipped to support a diverse range of physical activities.

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