Wright-Patterson Spotlight

Wright-Patterson Spotlight

Wright-Patterson Spotlight

Name: Kathy Jo Calhoun – CIV EFDA

Unit of Assignment: 88th Dental Squadron

Years at Wright-Patterson: 6 months

What is your job? Currently, I serve as a dental assistant within the Advanced Education in General Dentistry Flight at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Dental Clinic. I assist the residents with all dental procedures. My primary duties include preparing the dental treatment room for treatment, being an active participant in the treatment process, and striving to complete all procedures with motivation and enthusiasm.

What is your favorite part of your job? One of my favorite parts of my Job is working at a military facility. I have a lot to learn and its fun! Our dental team has learned to adapt to the current pandemic while delivering safe dental treatment. Our current situation has revealed many blessings. Personally, I am stronger and look forward to embracing our “new normal” for future operations. I have learned the value of staying in the game with my dental friends...no matter what! The dental mission will continue to be accomplished with pride. We are blessed!

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