Airman and Family Readiness Center offers variety of services, classes, assistance

The Airman and Family Readiness Center offers a variety of one-on-one services as well as classes and workshop. All programs and educational classes are designed to enhance your life, improve your employability, prepare yourself for a solid financial future, ready yourself for your transition back into the civilian sector or simply help get you ready for that new assignment you just received.

All classes for the A&FRC are offered through ZoomGov until further notice. Due to current conditions, the A&FRC staff is currently teleworking. Please contact them through email at and for the Transition Assistance Program at or

Airman & Family Readiness Center

Front desk: 937-257-3592. Call to register for any of our classes or workshops. You must be pre-registered.

Airman & Family Readiness Center has a Facebook page:

Transition Assistance Program has new mandates and requirements for all service members. Individualized initial counseling is now mandated and required 365 days prior to separation and retirement. Pre-separation counseling is now mandated and required 365 days prior to separation and retirement.

Wright Start, ZoomGov: please call 937-257-3592 for dates

New to Wright-Patterson AFB and learn about the many agencies on WPAFB for newly hired civilians and newly assigned military.

Plan My Move

Sept. 29, Oct. 27, Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 1-3:30 p.m.

Plan My Move is a class offered monthly to all military members making a permanent change of station. Plan My Move, formerly known as Smooth Move, will help prepare military members and their families for the upcoming move and explain benefits that are available. Military Personnel, Finance, Personal Property, JA, Base Lodging, TRICARE, School Liaison Officer, Military & Family Life counselor, EFMP, and Base housing will have representatives to provide information regarding entitlements and their processes for a smoother PCS experience.

Federal Resume Writing

Oct. 28, Dec. 16, 1-3:30 p.m.

The resume writing course focuses on the unique and sometimes confusing world of federal job applications and resumes. This class will provide the necessary tools to make your resume and application complete and competitive.

Heart Link

Oct. 16, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

This is a military spouse orientation to the U.S. Air Force and to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and is offered quarterly at the A&FRC. Please call to sign up at 937-257-3592

Bundles for Babies

Sept. 17, Oct. 20, Dec. 3, 1:30-4:15 p.m.

Information on the Pediatric clinic, New Parents programs, family day care and more.

Private Sector Resume Writing

Sept. 30, Nov. 4, 1-3 p.m.

Are you looking to the private sector for your employment endeavors or simply preparing for the future? This workshop will give you the necessary guidance on how to prepare an effective civilian resume for your job search.

Sponsorship Training-Unit INTRO Monitor

1-2 p.m., please call to sign up

Provide annual eSponsorship and DIMS (Defense Installation Messaging System) training. DIMS training will allow commanders and designated representatives the ability to pull reports to monitor the effectiveness of their units Sponsorship Program.

Personal Financial Counselor (PFC)

Available every day at A&FRC. Need help with financial matters? Want to understand the new Blended Retirement System? The Military and Family Life Counselor Program includes personal financial counseling to help you and your family mange finances, resolve financial problems and reach long-term goals such as getting an education, buying a home and planning for retirement. Call 937-257-3592.

Air Force Aid Society

This program is to assist military members, reservists on Title 10 orders and retirees during emergency situations. The Falcon Loan and Standard Assistance provides an interest free loan to help offset the emergency. Applications are accepted online at or in person at the A&FRC.

Individualized Initial Counseling (prerequisite to TAP)

Mandatory individual counseling is provided to eligible service members by the TAP staff to determine transition pathways. Initial counseling is conducted 365 days from anticipated separation date.

Congressionally Mandated Pre-Separation Counseling (prerequisite to TAP)

Members will complete the DD Form 2648 and receive a checklist of prerequisites and career readiness standards to assist with transitioning out of the military. Members will receive a briefing on transition goals, plans, and success. Members will be signed up for the Transition Assistance Program workshop upon completion of class. This class is required 365 days prior to sep/ret and must be taken before enrolling in TAP.

Capstone, DD Form 2648 (mandatory)

Capstone appointments are on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week from 8 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. Members requiring Capstone can walk into the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Transitioning service members are required to complete a DD Form 2648, Capstone form, 12 months to 90 days prior to separating and/or retiring.

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

TAP is mandatory for personnel leaving the military. The course will run Monday through Friday. The curriculum will vary based upon the needs assessment conducted during the Individual Initial Counseling and Congressionally Mandated Pre-separation Counseling Class. Members must attend a Congressionally Mandated Pre-separation Counseling Class to enroll in a TAP workshop.

Veterans Affairs Benefits Advisors

Office is located in the Airman & Family Readiness Center, Area A, Bldg. 2, Room 215. Benefits advisors are responsible for assisting transitioning military members and veterans with VA benefits. They assist in areas of VA entitlement such as GI Bill education benefits, disability compensation, vocational rehabilitation and employment, VA healthcare and the VA Home Loan Guaranty. If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting with the VA benefits advisor, call TyRhonda Coleman and Erique Diggs at 257-3856 or 257-7537. Walk-ins welcome and appointments are available.

Veteran Service Organization (VSO)

Wright-Patterson AFB has two Veteran Service Organizations; Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and American Veterans (AMVETS). Veteran Service Organizations are available to help you with your VA claims. DAV is located in the Airman & Family Readiness Center in Bldg. 2 on Area A. Call 937-656-0947 for the DAV. The American Veterans are located in the VA/DOD Transition Center at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center at WPAFB. Please call Tony Newton: 937-268-6511, ext. 2965, or for appointments with the American Veterans.

WPAFB’s School Liaison Officer (SLO)

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base School Liaison Officer is available full-time at the Child Development Center at the Prairies. The SLO assists school-aged children and youth of base military families with educational opportunities and information necessary to achieve academic success. Partnerships with existing base programs and initiatives. Her role is to: 1) Help identify, communicate (inform base leadership), and seek resolution concerning issues/barriers to academic success by encouraging relationships between school, military families, installation, and community; 2) Promote the importance of parent involvement to Air Force military members (during registration and with transitions/deployments) of school-aged children in their student’s education; 3) Develop programs/provide training to help teachers, counselors, principals, superintendents, and coaches better understand the unique needs/gifts of the military child/family; and 4) support on-going base educational/recreational programs and training initiatives designed to enhance the military family life-style.

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