Pedestrian responsibility
“Walkers, joggers, runners and skaters on roadways at night or in inclement weather (e.g., fog, rain, sleet, snow, etc.) will wear clothing containing retro-reflective properties or retro-reflective accessories visible from the front and back,” states Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Instruction 31-116, paragraph 3.9.2.
“Personnel will use the extreme left-hand side of any roadway and move against the flow of oncoming traffic. Personnel will not step into any roadway without first looking both ways. Violators may be cited on a DD Form 1408.”
Walkers, joggers, runners and skaters also face possible DD Form 1408 citations for not using an available sidewalk, according to the instruction’s subsequent paragraph.
“Walking, jogging, running and skating on roadways is permitted only when there is no sidewalk available on either side of the roadway,” it reads.
Pedestrians are also advised that wearing portable headphones, earphones, cellphones, iPods, or other listening and entertainment devices (other than hearing aids) while walking, jogging, running, bicycling, skating or skateboarding on roadways is prohibited.
Use of listening devices impairs recognition of emergency signals, alarms, announcements, approaching vehicles, verbal communication and outside noise in general. Violators may be cited by the 88th Security Forces Squadron on a DD Form 1408.
This guidance is easy to follow, officials say, and it could very easily save your life.
Drivers: Be on lookout and slow down
Personnel driving during low-visibility hours should take caution and also be on the lookout for pedestrians. Slow down and be aware of what’s going on around you.
Make sure you are concentrating on the task of driving and not being distracted by cellphones, radios and other devices.
Give pedestrians the right of way and slow down when you are in an area known for a high level of pedestrian traffic. Be especially mindful of crosswalks and roadways where base sidewalks and running trails may intersect.
Following these simple rules will ensure both pedestrians and drivers make it to their destinations safely. Be safe out there.
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