Commentary: Inspection a chance to showcase wing’s excellence

Professionalism, efficiency are staples in ‘Mighty 88th’
Daniel L. France
Director, Plans and Programs Division
88th Air Base Wing

Daniel L. France Director, Plans and Programs Division 88th Air Base Wing

The “Mighty 88th’s” Unit Effectiveness Inspection is right around the corner and presents an incredible opportunity to “show your (our) stuff.”

It’s been a historic year supporting critical missions for Wright-Patt and the Air Force overall. The 88th Air Base Wing team has performed admirably with numerous individual and unit awards at a variety of levels and accolades too many to mention.

As such, we MUST highlight and showcase the people and amazing work behind these accolades to the Air Force Materiel Command Inspector General team as the basis of our effectiveness in meeting mission efforts.

In December, AFMC/IG’s continuous evaluation helped set the stage for the UEI. The evaluation team identified a handful of recommended-improvement areas that we’ve taken into consideration and gave us a glimpse into what to expect when it returns for the UEI capstone event in June.

Many of us have been through these types of inspections and know what to expect, but not everyone. Here’s a few things to talk about with your team as we focus on the finish line … together!

· First and foremost, you don’t invite people to your home without picking up around the house. Ensure your office-space housekeeping and administration reflects “excellence” and personal pride in ownership of your operation. Take a look outside and around your facility, too.

· Know how to greet an IG team inspector. Being courteous, professional and maintaining your bearing are essential to getting off to a positive first impression.

· Above all else, be professional. Your discussions with the team should not be argumentative, even though you may disagree with the inspector. If you do get into a disagreement, do so respectfully.

· Showcase your team and the incredible work it’s done and continues to do. The inspection team will be looking for you to share examples of “potential” benchmark programs. If you don’t share pride in what you’re doing, the team may miss it.

· Ensure your team’s training is up to speed. The recent changeover in training platforms may have caused some confusion, so discuss potential workarounds with your unit training monitor to make sure you can explain gaps.

· The inspection team will listen closely to how you develop processes, ensure efficiency, and follow established Air Force and local guidance. Show them your team’s knowledge and how it overcomes potential limiting factors.

· The inspection team will be looking for professional team members, relationships and partnerships, and how we support Team Wright-Patt’s diverse mission sets.

· Be flexible to changing schedules. The IG team is running in multiple directions in order to provide the best assessment possible. Communication is key.

Again, while many of us have been part of similar inspections, this might be a first experience for some teammates. Find the time to talk with your team and emphasize the tremendous job the entire “Mighty 88th” does supporting Team Wright-Patt.

Good luck, and go get ‘em, team! TEAM = “Together Each Achieves More”

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