Did you know? Knowledge is key in cybersecurity

What’s a great and free way to protect your devices? Knowledge.

Staying informed and practicing good cyber hygiene is the easiest way to ensure you do not become a victim of or easy target for cybercriminals.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a great way to gain the cyber knowledge you need for awareness of the current cyber landscape and how to navigate through it without falling prey to cybercrime.

Throughout October, the 88th Communications Squadron’s cybersecurity team is conducting classes that address many important issues. Did you know?:

· Cybercrime comes in many forms, including identity theft, financial fraud, ransomware, stalking, online bullying and hacking. At best, cybercrime can cause major inconvenience and annoyance for a victim. At worst, it can result in financial ruin or even threaten a victim’s reputation or personal safety.

· 46 percent of the most-costly cybercrime events resulted from an insider threat, and 34 percent of insider-threat cases targeted the collection of personally identifiable information.

· Consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices for online banking, payments and shopping without instituting mobile cybersecurity such as keeping their device updated and using strong passwords or two-factor authentication.

· Links in email and online posts are often the way cybercriminals compromise your computer. #whenindoubtthrowitout

· Your home’s wireless router is the primary entrance for cybercriminals to access all your connected devices. Changing the factory-set default password and username will better secure your Wi-Fi network.

· With every social media account you sign up for, every picture you post and status you update, you are sharing information about yourself with the world. There is no delete button on the internet. #sharewithcare

If you have questions or concerns, contact us at: 88CS.CYS.cybersecurity@us.af.mil, visit the SharePoint site at https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/22608/CSAM/default.aspx or go to the Cybersecurity Awareness Month class-registration page: https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/er/0204/SitePages/Home.aspx.

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