To start, brush up on your safety skills, such as learning how to give first aid or CPR. It is also very important to know where the gas and water shutoffs are at your home.
If you have a natural gas leak, sparks from electrical boxes can ignite. Make sure everyone in your home knows where the electrical box is, and how to shut off electricity. You should always shut off all the individual circuits before shutting off the main circuit box.
Make sure all your insurance policies are up to date. Typically, homeowners insurance does not cover flooding, so you may need to independently purchase flood insurance.
You should also consider having a small amount of cash stored in a safe place in your home. During a disaster, banks may not be open, and ATMs might not work. Cash may be the only way you can purchase emergency supplies.
A disaster can also disrupt mail service, so if you depend on Social Security or other benefits, enrolling in direct deposit can be helpful.
For more information, contact your unit emergency management representative or Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Office of Emergency Management at 937-257-3634.
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