Other benefits of the MILITARY STAR card include:
- Free shipping on all ShopMyExchange.com and myNavyExchange.com orders.
- 5 cents off every gallon of fuel at Exchange fuel locations.
- 10% off all Exchange restaurant purchases.
- The lowest flat-rate APR (10.24%) among store cards; rate is offered to all cardholders upon account approval.
- No annual, late or over-limit fees.
- Reduced-interest deployment plan with no payments required for eligible customers.
“MILITARY STAR’s fair and flexible terms help service members and their families build credit responsibly—all while earning rewards,” said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Kevin Osby, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s senior enlisted adviser. “This new cardholder discount is one more way the card helps the military community save.”
New accountholders will receive the 15% discount on all first-day purchases at military exchanges and commissaries, as well as online at ShopMyExchange.com, myNavyExchange.com and ShopCGX.com. All honorably discharged veterans who have confirmed their eligibility to shop at ShopMyExchange.com can use their MILITARY STAR card shopping the Exchange online. Veterans with a service-connected disability are eligible to shop in stores. For more information, veterans can visit ShopMyExchange.com/Vets.
The MILITARY STAR card is administered by the Army & Air Force Exchange Service and is accepted at all military exchanges and commissaries. For more information, visit MyECP.com.
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