Wright-Patterson spotlight

Eric Hershman, GS-12

Eric Hershman, GS-12

Name and rank: Eric Hershman, GS-12

Duty title: Cyber defense operator

Unit of assignment: 88th Communications Squadron

What do you do at Wright-Patt? As a host specialist, I am responsible for data collection and analysis of computer-based artifacts. I accomplish these actions through the deployment of system-collection tools such as Winlogbeat, PowerShell scripts and vulnerability scanning. These various data points enable myself and fellow host specialists the ability to identify and respond to particular events on mission-partner devices.

Why are you and your job important to the Air Force, AFMC and WPAFB?

As a member of the Mission Defense Team, the other cyber operators and I are responsible for providing persistent enclave defense for specific mission partners assigned to Wright-Patterson. Currently, we have been charged with protecting assets vital to the acquisition process for the (medium-altitude unmanned aerial system) MQ-9 Reaper.

The team utilizes security-monitoring tools to capture and analyze data from mission-partner machines and network activity. Daily analysis grants enhanced familiarization with mission-partner device activity and allows quick identification of abnormal activity, prompting further investigation. These investigations help determine if the activity is malicious, requiring the activation of a quick-reaction force to collect evidence and send to the Cyber Defense Correlation Cell for mitigation actions.

These combined actions protect the intellectual property housed within Air Force Materiel Command for use across the Air Force. In conclusion, the Mission Defense Team functions as the front-line cyber forces responsible for detecting malicious actors who may circumvent enterprise-level security protections.

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