Coronavirus pandemic: Cincinnati Reds to create fund for workers impacted

The Cincinnati Reds and the Miami Marlins are introduced prior to their Opening Day game at Great American Ballpark, Thursday, April 5, 2012. Staff photo by Greg Lynch

The Cincinnati Reds and the Miami Marlins are introduced prior to their Opening Day game at Great American Ballpark, Thursday, April 5, 2012. Staff photo by Greg Lynch

The Cincinnati Reds will be creating a fund to help ballpark workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

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One million dollars has been committed to the fund which will supplement any other benefits available to the Great American Ballpark workers, according to a release sent by the Cincinnati Reds.

Workers may be impacted by the delay to the start of the regular season, they said.

“The Reds are joined by the other 29 Major League Baseball teams who have committed $1 million

for similar funds for their game day workers.”

In a time of uncertainty, the Major Baseball teams have decided to create a way to help their employees amid COVID-19.

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