Greene Co. to help public prevent more Hepatitis A cases



The Ohio Department of Health has declared a statewide community outbreak of Hepatitis A, with 13 cases confirmed in the Miami Valley and 79 statewide. Between January 2017 and June 2018, there has been an increase in Hepatitis A cases in Montgomery County.

Greene County Public Health is working with clean needle exchange programs to help stop the spread of Hepatitis A, and they want the public to know what they’re doing to keep you safe, educated, and informed.

Hepatitis A is a viral illness that affects the liver and can be spread through human waste, food, and intercourse.

It can cause fever, fatigue, nausea, joint pain, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and more--and symptoms usually appear within two to six weeks after being exposed.

Anyone can get Hepatitis A, but investigators have shown that homeless people, drug users, having direct contact with people infected, people that are incarcerated--and more--are most at risk.

What you can do to prevent Hepatitis A:

  • Thorough hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds after using the restroom and before preparing and eating food.
  • There is a vaccine to prevent Hepatitis A. Individuals may contact their doctor to discuss the Hepatitis A vaccine.

For more information, call Greene County Public Health at 937-374-5600 or visit

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