Montgomery County offering military ID cards: What you need to know

Montgomery County is expected to start issuing veteran ID cards next month or early September, providing current and former service members a quick way to prove they are eligible for benefits programs and other perks.

The cards, which will be free to local veterans, are a form of state-issued identification that will help card-holders get access to the voting booth and a variety of community services, such as health care, VA home loans and burial benefits, said Brandon McClain, Montgomery County recorder.

RELATED: New veterans ID card could be shown to retailers, VA says

“I’m sad to say that here in Montgomery County, we have had the unfortunate circumstance where veterans missed out on the ultimate benefit, that being a proper military burial,” McClain said. “That should never happen.”

McClain said his office is compiling a list of all the businesses that offer discounts, benefits and freebies to veterans. Montgomery County is home to nearly 42,000 veterans, according to 2016 U.S. Census data.

The card will allow veterans to conveniently carry around proof that they served in the military, meaning they no longer have to produce their DD214, or discharge documents, McClain said.

MORE: Verizon offers new military discount program

A variety of counties in Ohio issue veteran ID cards, including Greene County, home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Ohio's largest counties also issue cards to veterans.

Dayton City Commissioner Jeff Mims Jr. said he is glad the program is being rolled out in Montgomery County, because usually he does not have proof on hand of his military service, except is his Vietnam veteran license plate.

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