Combating food waste to save money

A new nationwide campaign hopes to cut back on the $162 billion Americans waste on food every year.

The Natural Resource Defense Council’s “Save the Food” initiative is hoping to encourage families to find new ways to save food and save money.

On average, individuals in the U.S. throw away nearly 300 pounds of food a year— for a family of four it amounts to $1,500 in wasted food and money, according to the NRDC.

The waste is not only what we eat—it’s the manpower, fuel, water, and energy it takes to get to the table, according to Kurt Hatcher, Environmental Sustainability manager at the University of Dayton.

The nationwide “Save the Food” campaign offers detailed steps you can take to preserve the food you buy, expiration dates, and ways to incorporate food which is past its prime into your daily meals.

The campaign kicked off in New York City today, more information at

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