Google affiliate confirms plans for Dayton addiction treatment project

A health care startup affiliated with Google is working with local hospital networks to launch a nonprofit in Dayton to treat opioid addiction.

The new organization is called OneFifteen and will have a behavioral health treatment center, rehabilitation housing and wrap-around services. Premier Health and Kettering Health Network, the two largest local hospital networks, are partners on the project.

OneFifteen will begin seeing patients this spring in facilities located in the Carillon neighborhood near the Elizabeth Place medical campus and will have outpatient and inpatient services. The full campus is expected to be completed in 2020.

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“Recovery is not a 28-day process and requires a long-term, holistic approach for success,” said Marti Taylor, president and chief executive of OneFifteen, said. “OneFifteen will offer evidence-based care that addresses the many unmet needs of people in recovery, including vocational training and sober living.”

Taylor was previously chief executive of University Hospital, part of Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

The news confirms previous reporting by the Dayton Daily News where sources said Verily was working on a project with local officials.

Taylor said she did not have the projected revenue of OneFifteen. Officials also declined to give an estimate of how much it will cost to build the new facility.

“All of our partners will be contributing significant resources to this endeavor,” Taylor said.

OneFifteen has leased about 22,000 square feet in Kindred Hospital and a 10,000-square-foot outpatient clinic is under construction on Hopeland Street near the Elizabeth Place campus.

The campus will be about 4.5 acres. Along with the OneFifteen buildings there will also be some “mixed use” buildings but don’t have specific plans yet on what could be in the buildings, though OneFifteen officials are looking for uses that would compliment the nonprofit and also address community needs.

The organization’s name is a reference to the 115 people in the U.S. who died each day in 2017 from opioid overdoses.

The OneFifteen announcement comes as the Dayton area is starting to make progress on recovering from the opioid overdose crisis, which contributed to 566 accidental overdose deaths in Montgomery County in 2017.

Officials credit increased distribution of overdose-reversing naloxone, law enforcement efforts to stop the fentanyl supply, and grassroots efforts to connect people with addiction treatment as all helping curb the number of deaths.

“Dayton has been at the epicenter of our national addiction crisis, and we have worked to share what we’ve learned through that experience with other communities,” Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said in a statement.

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Taylor said the organization will treat all patients regardless of type of insurance or whether they have insurance. OneFifteen does not yet have signed insurance contracts but is talking to a number of insurers, Taylor said.

She anticipated OneFifteen will treat about 1,000 patients in its first year.

OneFifteen will have two organizations under its umbrella: OneFifteen Health, a taxable nonprofit that manages behavioral health services with the aim to advance evidence-based medicine for addiction, and OneFifteen Recovery, a tax-exempt nonprofit that coordinates community-based, wrap-around services for patients.

OneFifteen will also include the long-discussed regional crisis stabilization unit and detox center. The proposed center, first reported in October 2017, was proposed as a $4.3 million project by the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association as an alternative to the ER where patients in addiction crisis could be stabilized and then connected to help. The project received $800,000 in the state capital budget approved in 2018.

OneFifteen’s model is intended to continually improve service by using information from its operational and clinical data. Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet, which also has Google as a subsidiary, will use analytics to measure the effectiveness of interventions.

Verily has worked on other health data projects, including building diabetes management software, helping people with tremors or trying to stop the spread of disease carrying mosquitoes.

Clinical care will be serviced by Samaritan Behavioral Health, which is part of Dayton-based Premier Health, a partner on the project. Taylor said about 40 to 60 people will be hired to work at the center.

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“OneFifteen’s evidence-based approach should, over time, fine-tune local efforts to prevent and treat substance abuse and heal our communities,” stated Mike Maiberger, executive vice president at Premier Health.

Kettering Health Network is also partnering on the project.

“Through this partnership, we can use our resources to provide hope and healing to people suffering from opioid addiction,” stated Terry Burns, executive vice president of Kettering Health.


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