Air Force Research Lab launches TEDx-style forum

Researchers and engineers accustomed to laboratories will step up to the podium Wednesday at the Dayton Art Institute in a TEDx-style forum dubbed AFRL Inspire.

Air Force Research Laboratory scientists will talk about technology that disables roadside bombs to harnessing tidal energy to power a continent, among other things.

“We were looking at ways to increase economy, mastery and purpose at AFRL, which are found to be real pillars of motivation, so this really addresses purpose and what we do at the lab,” said Kerianne Gross, AFRL Inspire co-lead and a research aerospace engineer. “We have AFRL speakers giving these more story-telling, why we care about what we are doing purpose-driven talks.”

Nearly 500 AFRL employees will be at the talks to hear six speakers at the invitation-only forum. This is the second AFRL Inspire, which launched in 2015 in Dayton. Next year, researchers will meet in Albuquerque, N.M.

Technospeak savvy scientists and engineers met with a speaking coach to tell stories more simply.

“It’s very personality-driven,” said Dan Berrigan, a materials researcher and a co-lead organizer of AFRL Inspire. “Everybody is a little different.”

Researchers will explore how a mathematical game theory can address the threat of the cyber hacking of personal information, “green methods” to decontaminate aircraft exposed to Ebola, Zika, and anthrax, to tests that reveal the personality traits of what makes a recruit succeed as a Special Forces soldier, organizers said,

Research discovered “some of the same traits that make someone successful in Special Operations are the same traits that make a scientist or engineer successful in their work or research,” Gross said.

Videos from last year’s forum are posted at

“Our goal is to record these (presentations) and post them on YouTube so that way we reach a broader audience than just the AFRL community,” Berrigan said.

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