Scene 75 working ‘tirelessly’ to rebuild following Memorial Day tornadoes

Scene 75 is still months away from reopening after it was severely damaged in the Memorial Day tornadoes.

A new exterior and new paint are visible from I-75 . Boxes remain stacked in windows and signs saying “keep out” are on the doors.

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Scene 75’s website says the business has been working “tirelessly to rebuild bigger, better and stronger.”

“The area needs more attractions like that, not less,” said Rodney Lambert, who frequents the center. “My two boys and I really enjoy the place. It’s a great atmosphere.”

The entertainment center said they are hoping to share more about their progress and reopening in about 30 days.

Lambert, like many others, says he's looking forward to the business opening.

“I can't wait to get in there and see what it's about. I know I've got two boys that are feeling the same way," he said.

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