Trustees blast county hotel tax hike plan to help Dayton Convention Center

Miami Twp. trustees are opposing a state change that would allow Montgomery County to increase a lodging tax, calling it an additional tax on Dayton’s suburbs.

The latest version of the state budget bill includes a path for charging an additional 3 percent hotel bed tax in the county to fund renovations of the Dayton Convention Center. A 3-percent lodging tax already is in place.

The change would tax businesses in communities that have the vast majority hotel rooms without benefiting those areas, Miami Twp. Trustee Donald Culp said.

The additional tax revenue would instead fund improvements to the Dayton Convention Center and “support pet projects” in that city, Culp said.

RELATED: Hotel bed tax could help save Dayton Convention Center

Language added last month to the state’s budget bill would allow county commissioners to pass a resolution to create a convention facilities authority that would be allowed to levy up to a 3-percent hotel lodging tax across the county. If residents object to it, they could subject the tax to a referendum vote.

This news organization has reached out to county and Dayton officials comment and will update this story when they respond.

Eighty-three percent of the hotel rooms in Montgomery County are located outside of Dayton, with Miami Twp. accounting for 27 percent, Culp said.

“Yet this….increase in the county hotel/motel tax would only benefit the city of Dayton and its convention center,” he said.

The House and Senate has set a July 17 to adopt a final version of the state budget bill, HB166.

RELATED: Dayton presses county for help to save convention center

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