Buck went on social media Sunday and tweeted an invitation for his followers on Twitter, urging them to send videos so he can keep his commentary skills sharp.
"While we're all quarantined right now without any sports, I'd love to get some practice reps in," Buck tweeted. "Send me videos of what you're doing at home and I'll work on my play-by-play. Seriously!"
Buck, noted for his baseball and football announcing, kicked off the home videos with one of his own, narrating play-by-play involving his wife, Michelle Beisner-Buck, and his young son, Wyatt,
"This is called negotiation, ladies and gentlemen," Buck said in the home video he tweeted. "Michelle on the left, is trying to prepare dinner. Wyatt on the right, fighting back a yawn, dressed like kind of a half-assed Fred Flintstone. And he's now -- he wants to watch Blippi, folks.
“Oh, and he’s hit his mom! He has hit his mom! Mom is playing it up! Wyatt is crying! All hell has broken loose inside this house, quarantine Day 7. For us, it’s about Day 13. But they’re hugging. Everything has come back together.”
If your video gets posted you have to pledge to donate to a cause during this quarantine. Even if it’s a dollar. Send something! I’m pledging to the St. Louis Community Fund. I’ll do some this week! And supply me with some details please. Here’s my house.
— Joe Buck (@Buck) March 22, 2020
Buck said if a video is posted, the contributor must pledge to donate to COVID-19 relief efforts, according to The Sporting News.
The videos have already been coming, and there are some good ones for Buck to tackle. It looks like Buck, son of legendary broadcaster Jack Buck, will be able to keep his vocal cords sharp for the next national sporting event.
And, that’s a winner.
Here are some candidates:
The first part was his best attempt with camera crew ready. The second part was when he made it with no camera crew ready. Producers fault 😂. pic.twitter.com/t9ZthXHQjw
— John Vining (@John_ViningSD) March 22, 2020
— Mardy Fish (@MardyFish) March 22, 2020
DARTS, JOE. DARTS!! pic.twitter.com/OQLDnY90Ms
— TOM MARTIN (@LetItFlyTom) March 22, 2020
— Timmy Ryan (@SeamusPicMcGee) March 22, 2020
Joe, please play-by-play me trying to stick 6 Oreos in my mouth pic.twitter.com/2sm0JVNEf9
— Isaac (@WorldofIsaac) March 22, 2020
What about this video of my dad winning The Masters? 💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/aAjI5eV8nu
— Jutty Bones (@JHennyy19) March 22, 2020
please Joe Buck. do me this solid pic.twitter.com/xsJkfm0GLa
— isaac (@isaactxappelt) March 22, 2020
Joe.. this is short & sweet. My friend Pete is in quarantine and may have lost his mind. He’s ‘running stairs’ in the condo gym. Please give us a play-by-play of Pete’s unique workout. #Soundonforspeed pic.twitter.com/cvg7DjlmV3
— Clark Grace (@1clarkgrace) March 23, 2020
Yes, please!! Are teammates allowed to send in?? Booyah is brown Rhodesian Ridgeback and Chance is yellow Golden. We need play x play! (Ps... love that you’re doing this)🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/UuREg1FTop
— Laura Okmin (@LauraOkmin) March 22, 2020
— Michael Fowle (@fowleball) March 22, 2020
— kyle imaoka (@kyleimaoka) March 22, 2020
Joe. A little street-side tennis ball golf (wrapped in duct tape) shot off the stop sign. NoMo Santa Monica Golf Links. pic.twitter.com/zNuLg0H3ZD
— Greg Bettinelli (@gregbettinelli) March 22, 2020
How about this from @GdogDlites pic.twitter.com/9TWxWoA0DC
— John Jagler (@JohnJagler) March 22, 2020
https://t.co/r6aHwesW2j https://t.co/fJOdWwtIAc
— Adam Hoge (@AdamHoge) March 22, 2020
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