Peering into the future

The tech-savvy site Gizmodo posted a fascinating item headlined, “10 Mindblowingly Futuristic Technologies That Will Appear by the 2030s.”

The writer, George Dvorsky, noted things he said “have a better than 50/50 chance of being actualized,” based on technologies already in play.

On the list: massive desalination of sea water to solve our water woes; AI personal assistants; computers that “are everywhere — but unseen”; “virtual animals with digital minds” that will unlock the workings of our own brains; people on Mars connected to Earth via the Internet; an anti-ageing intervention that will extend lives.

Also, autonomous killer robots that will change warfare; lab-grown human replacement organs (and possibly meat); and “personal fabricators” evolved from today’s 3D printers in nearly every home. And this — a massive geoengineering project to reverse climate change.

Hmm. Any guesses? Email

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