Shouldn’t companies invest in their workers?

If companies invested in workers, our economy would thrive

I was thoroughly disgusted by the time I made it through George Will’s commentary, “Raise minimum wage? It’s an ‘iffy’ proposition,” Dec. 15. Not a lot shocks me, but I can’t get my thinking around a person who would actually attempt to rationalize keeping people on starvation wages.

He lists 13 various “If” conditions where raising the minimum wage would be fine and then attempts to refute the conditions. I don’t believe his various statistics, like the one where he claims most minimum wage workers live in households where the average income is $53,000 a year. What planet is that happening on? His implication that the Earned Income Tax Credit is a better deal than actually receiving a living wage is beyond ludicrous. And his final claim that the employers will make better stimulative investments by not paying a living wage is just flat inane; the top 1 or 2 percent are not spending.

That's the crux of our economy's problems. If the banks, insurance companies, and major employment firms were to actually invest in their workers, our economy would be blossoming, rather than withering on the vine as we see it doing now. MARY F. CLIFFORD, CENTERVILLE

Speak Up

Reading the DDN on Dec. 19, I was struck by the uncanny similarity between two seemingly unconnected stories. The first recounted how an unfortunate soul in Ashtabula accidently overturned his tractor and drowned in his own manure lagoon. The second story related how the rural counties in Ohio which vote heavily Republican are also the ones with the highest rates of citizens with no health insurance. Get the connection?

Now that the cheers and applause for the man who kept his family alive in the Utah wilderness after their car rolled over have died a bit, and the tears of the relieved rescuers have dried, I'd like to offer a clear-eyed counter opinion: what man in his right mind takes his girlfriend and four small children four-wheeling in the middle of nowhere in weather that can kill with no way of calling for help? And how did he manage to get two adults and four kid's seats into his Jeep? Keeping the kids alive was the least this dunderhead could do after all the seriously bad decisions he made getting them into the life-threatening situation.

Yes, yes, I know that those who hate President Obama say it's not about race, but it is hard to ignore the fact that the word they use most often to describe him is "arrogant." Arrogant is a fancy word for "uppity" and not so long ago a black man charged with being uppity was likely to be lynched.

Each Monday morning, football coaches and players review the film of the previous day's game to evaluate their play and correct mistakes. Even if the quarterback is well liked, mistakes made must be corrected or changes made to be able to win the next game. Unfortunately, we don't do that with our president. We wanted him to succeed, but he just didn't. Blaming someone else solves nothing. The stated intentions don't really matter. The results are what matter and the results of this administration will be losing freedom which is a whole lot more important than losing a football game.

Kudos to Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty' for exercising his First Amendment rights regarding his gay comments. I, for one, am not offended; he's right on track.

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