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Robert Reich would prefer an America where liberal professors, liberal Hollywood elites, liberal publishing houses, and the Democrat Party sponsored mainstream media would have a monopoly of influence over voters, and the private business sector would have none. This is far more sinister than allowing organizations to exercise their freedom of speech and provide financing to further political causes. The Supreme Court thought so anyway.

Robert Reich's fixation on campaign finance rules seems oddly out of place when the parties' two leading contenders, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, are being supported without huge donations from super PAC's, etc. But it's impossible for anything to dent his communistic impulses. Voters seemingly don't care about campaign financing. A good example is Jeb Bush.

I was very pleased that Gov. Kasich placed second in the New Hampshire primary, but disappointed to learn that Ohio taxpayers are paying his security costs while campaigning for president.

It seems utterly ridiculous to me that the American people, through our taxes, have to pay for protection of potential candidates. They each raise so much money for their campaigns, I think that police protection, if they so desire, should come out of their own funds.

Working third shift at a gas station is hard enough, but when I read your article on prison inmates receiving college credit, I became so upset. I want so badly to return to school, but I can't afford it yet. It is so disheartening to learn that these inmates get what I so badly want, and all provided by the state. I suppose that the state of Ohio and the president of Sinclair find no dignity or worth in a working person who has never been in trouble.

A recent Speak Up comment venomously attacked Hillary Clinton again, using words that betray irrational hate. I don't understand; she has more accomplishments, experience, qualifications, well-meaning, altruism, and intelligence than any of the Republican candidates. She (and her husband) are not "in it for themselves"; they have always taken lesser jobs with less pay to help others in Arkansas and Washington than they could have done in New York law firms. Even if you don't like her politics you shouldn't hate her.

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