Bogard, Donald Eugene "Bogie"
Donald Eugene Bogard, age 89, of Englewood Ohio died on January 12, 2024. He graduated from Beavercreek High in 1952, was their class president and honor student. He earned 11 varsity letters across 4 sports. He was captain and second baseman for their state championship team and was elected to their Hall of Fame in 2018. He was an Army Veteran and earned a Master of Education from Ohio University. He was a teacher for the Dayton school system before going into the Dayton, Beavercreek and Vandelia school's business administration and starting his own Real Estate agency. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Charlotte, their sons, Donald of Dayton, Brent of Cleveland, Mark of Peoria Az. and sister Norma (Morris). He has 11 grandkids and 2 great grandkids. He is preceded in death by his parents Harold and Mildred and his two brothers Junior and Allen.
Bogard, Donald