Contributing writer
With more than 30 years of experience in public relations, communications and marketing, Beth learned to navigate both non-profit and corporate environments with ease. She previously worked in these professional capacities for the American Heart Association, SAFY, Hospice of Dayton, Standard Register and the Girl Scouts of Southwest Ohio. Beth is a published writer, holds a BA in Creative Writing from Ohio University and is the founder and CEO of ReMagine Communications and Marketing, LLC. She is a firm believer in giving back, especially to the local communities in southwest Ohio. She has served as a board member with Agape for Youth, Inc. since 2013 and helped lead the marketing efforts for the Equitas Health special events for several years. She was named a “WiBN Top 25 Woman to Watch” in 2018 and was honored as communications professional of the year with the AHA in 2008, 2010 and 2017. Her passion is communications in all forms, and she enjoys helping others learn how to successfully navigate the often-complex professional world. She lives in Clearcreek Township with her husband, Larry and their two Labrador Retrievers, Maggie and Nellie.
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