Springboro applying for federal funding for another path

The city of Springboro is applying for federal funding for a bike path linking E. Milo Beck Park to the city's corporation limits on West Factory Road. CONTRIBUTED/CITY OF SPRINGBORO

The city of Springboro is applying for federal funding for a bike path linking E. Milo Beck Park to the city's corporation limits on West Factory Road. CONTRIBUTED/CITY OF SPRINGBORO

Springboro will be applying for federal transportation improvement program funding to build a new bike path between E. Milo Beck Park to the corporation line on West Factory Road.

City Council approved the resolution to begin the application process through the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission to access the federal funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the Central Greenway Bike Path. The estimated local share of the project will be $559,679.

“We want to connect the neighborhoods on the northeast side with city parks,” said City Manager Chris Pozzuto.

The funds, if awarded, would allow the city to receive up to 80 percent of the project’s non-acquisition costs for reimbursement, according to City Planner Dan Boron.

The application supports the construction of a 3,800 foot long, 10-foot wide multiuse trail from E. Milo Beck Park to the city corporation line on West Factory Road, Segment D of the Central Greenway concept, Boron said.

He said it’s “a trail that will ultimately connect six Springboro parks to neighborhoods and commercial districts, and to the regional trail network to the southwest in Franklin and northeast in southern Montgomery County.”

Boron said the application supports the recommendations of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan adopted by City Council in July 2020. Construction is anticipated in 2025.

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