Legislators and government officials can’t be the experts on everything, nor should they try to be. They were elected to represent their constituents. Therefore, they rely on lobbyists, business associations and individuals to educate them on policies and help them craft good legislation. Everyone has the right to make their case, but it’s my job to make sure the pro-business voice is louder and makes more sense for the future of Ohio than the anti-business voice. As the saying goes, “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”
Over the past few years, the business lobby in Dayton has tallied up economic successes that were good for OUR business community. We fought back initiatives like recreational marijuana, mandated paid sick leave, business vaccine mandates, and reduced sentencing for drug offenders. We championed legislation that supports military families, directs funding to economic development projects (like the Arcade, defense projects, Austin Landing and the Schuster Center), and initiatives that invest in our region’s infrastructure (I-75, Rt. 35 and Rt. 40).
The key to success is relationships, trust and being present. This past Tuesday, more than 100 business leaders were “present” from the Dayton region and came together at the Ohio Statehouse to make sure our region’s business voice was loud enough for all to hear.
Our government officials only have the power and influence we give them. In order to affect change, we need to understand their motivations and present a collaborative solution that helps meet their goals and supports the job creators that are driving the Dayton area economy. As we press forward this year and prepare for the 2023-2024 General Assembly, you can be confident your region’s business lobbyists are present, and we have a seat at the table.
Chris Kershner is the president and CEO of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce.
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