Kumar also was designated a Tier III sexual offender. The highest level, it will require him to register his address every 90 days for life.
Kumar initially was indicted in November 2022 on nine counts in a Dayton rape case, for five counts of rape and four counts of gross sexual imposition, both involving a victim younger than 13.
Credit: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
Credit: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
Dayton police detectives were notified in August 2022 that a minor had given birth and that she was taken to a local hospital, according to an affidavit filed in Dayton Municipal Court.
Detectives said they determined the baby would have been conceived in or around January, when the girl was still 12.
During an interview with police, the girl said the conduct happened in Dayton at the residence of her mother’s boyfriend, the affidavit stated.
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