As a society we have found it’s extremely valuable to teach students lessons applicable to their future family’s income.
Congress is currently considering the Farm Bill. One of its programs, Food for Peace, provides farmers education to support communities susceptible to recurring shocks to food and nutrition security throughout the world. These changes adapted to farmers’ needs offer new thinking skills and more resiliency for staying in their homeland.
The southwest Ohio Catholic Relief Services Chapter has been well-received in sharing our concerns with Representatives Warren Davidson, Greg Landsmen and Mike Turner and Senators Sherrod Brown and J.D. Vance in advocating for the Farm Bill with its Food for Peace program.
We oppose the American Farmers Feed the World Act, proposed for inclusion in the Farm Bill, because it would effectively strip Food for Peace’s ability to respond to a communities’ needs.
Teaching people to provide for their families and the community is a great lesson to learn here at home and around the world. We encourage our members of Congress to safeguard Food for Peace in the Farm Bill.
- Pam Long, Hamilton