Letters to the Editor: Sept. 18, 2022

In response to Nick Arena’s “A.J. Wagner belonged to the whole community” on Sept. 13, Judge A.J. Wager was one of the truly great people that walked this earth. A.J. was a devout Christian and believed it his Christian duty to “Love thy neighbor.” Of course, A.J. understood that God loved all his children equally, not just those living in Dayton. That’s why he attended the RESULTS meeting with Nick Arena, and started the ButterflyPAC to alleviate, and even end, poverty globally and in the US. A.J. kept it going with his devotion, dollars and energy. I only knew A.J. for two years as the leader of the ButterflyPAC, but I greatly enjoyed his polite and caring manner that made everyone feel included and loved. You’ll be missed during our weekly meetings, my friend, and we’ll make sure to continue the great crusade you initiated.

- Pankaj Agarwal, San Francisco

The Sept. 11 Ideas & Voices featured three columnists who discussed “quiet quitters” that passively disengage from work. The columnists make it sound like quiet quitters make a relatively benign choice to prioritize other areas of their life over their work. There is nothing benign about quiet quitters. Almost everyone who has tried to get service or help from a store, maintenance, repair, or online provider has been victimized by a quiet quitter. The real choice quiet quitters make is to cheat both their employers and their employer’s customers (us).

- Vic Presutti, Beavercreek

All students in Ohio schools deserve to feel supported, welcome, and accepted. Brendan Shea’s recent proposal, “The Resolution to Support Parents, Schools, and Districts in Rejecting Harmful, Coercive, and Burdensome Gender Identity Policies,” attempts to drag society back to a time when trans students were afraid to divulge their feelings to anyone, afraid to assert their identities and afraid to express themselves in ways that allow for their individual happiness and personal growth. The enforcement of what Mr. Shea’s resolution incorrectly asserts as “biological reality” has directly led to the mental anguish, social rejection, persecution and discrimination, psychological and physical harm, and in extreme cases suicide of trans individuals. The organization I represent, Citizens for a Better Beavercreek, condemns this mean-spirited, cruel, malicious attack on students who seeks only the love, support, and acceptance that we all seek as human beings. We encourage everyone to contact members of the Ohio State Board of Education and communicate in clear, forceful language that this is not acceptable. Take a stand to ensure LGBTQ+ students in Ohio schools feel supported, welcome, accepted – and most importantly, safe.

- Jared Cutler, Beavercreek