Letters to the Editor

MIA: Democratic media strategy. I am appalled the Democratic Party does not have a media campaign educating the public about what the Republicans are doing by obstructing vaccine mandates. Every day, from the New York Times to TV network news to local news, the Republicans dominate and spoon-feed the public their messaging disparaging vaccine mandates. Where is the Democrats’ messaging? Democrats should have Democratic House and Senate members, Democratic governors and a whole host of prominent Democratic leaders on every level of government telling the public that Republicans are responsible for prolonging the pandemic. I have to say, I’m angry and embarrassed that the Democratic Party is just sitting back, with no media strategy, allowing and enabling the Republicans to continue this top-of-the-news barrage of messaging that fuels the anti-vax movement. I’ve been a public relations professional throughout my career and am bamboozled by the Democratic void of response. The Democratic Party needs to start a media campaign calling out—far and wide and loudly—the Republicans for what they’re doing to perpetuate this health crisis. Holly Knight, Xenia

In the Sept. 14 Dayton Daily News, Shari Cooper explains, “Why I changed my mind, decided to get vaccinated.” Ms. Cooper deserves both our thanks and our admiration. She deserves our thanks because by getting the vaccine she not only made it less likely for her to get COVID-19 (or one of its variants), she made it less likely that she would infect any of us. She deserves our admiration because while it has become quite rare for people to question their beliefs, Ms. Cooper observed the evidence (the COVID deaths), realized her initial inclination was wrong and changed her mind. Bravo. Vic Presutti, Beavercreek

Regarding Governor DeWine proposed work requirement for Ohio Medicaid. Bad idea! Anyone truly interested in making the poor self-reliant would work for legislation for a living wage, starting with $15.00 per hour, job training, and fair treatment by employers who use their employee’s labor on a part-time basis to deny company benefits, such as medical care. Otherwise, a work requirement for State Medicaid will move no poor person from poverty to middle class and self-reliance. Poor and low income people with no marketable education or job skills or whose labor is exploited are doomed to poverty, low wages, Medicaid dependency and food insecurity. The idea of a work requirement for Medicaid is punitive and punishment for being poor. Dr. Gladys Turner Finney, Dayton

It appears Gen. Milley was placed in an untenable situation during the last days of the Trump Administration. Trump was acting in an unstable manner and Gen. Milley was afraid he might start a war. Milley’s choices were to do nothing, resign, or stay and to try to limit Trump’s impulsive actions. Fortunately for the world, he choose the latter. GOP leaders are now calling him a traitor and demanding his resignation, but they helped to put him in that situation. Twice they had refused to impeach Trump and remove him from office. They knew that he was amoral, impulsive and would do anything to get his way. But because he had the Republican label attached to him, they refused to convict him in spite of the evidence. I suggest that Gen. Milley be removed from office and be awarded the Medal of Honor. Charles R. Martel, Dayton