Mad River schools going to remote learning due to bus driver shortages

Stebbins high school students prepare to board buses after their first day back to school Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022. Mad River school district had been doing online learning since last Thursday. MARSHALL GORBY \STAFF

Stebbins high school students prepare to board buses after their first day back to school Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022. Mad River school district had been doing online learning since last Thursday. MARSHALL GORBY \STAFF

Mad River schools announced students will be remote learning on Friday due to staffing issues in the transportation department.

The district said there will be no in-person instruction for students. All student work would be completed through packets, Seesaw or Canvas depending on the grade level. Specific information about student work will be communicated through email or Remind, a program the school uses, by the school building and/or teacher.

Teachers will be available during regular school hours to support student learning. Teachers can be reached through email, Remind, or by phone. Some teachers may set up Zoom meetings with specific students or classes. If that is the case, links will be sent out through parent/student email accounts.

During remote learning, student attendance will be tracked by assignment completion upon return to school. If the student does not engage in their assignments, they will be counted absent.

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